
Actioning an MQL

By Megan B

An MQL has been established, and since you're the owner of the MQL contact you need to act. So what does that entail? Below is an overview of what is recommended, although please feel free to adapt to your processes, based upon what you've seen to work within the field. 

Please note: The status stages will soon be making an update to include 1 new stage and removal of 2 existing stages. This will also be automated depending upon the current activity.

How you'll be notified of an MQL

When a contact becomes an MQL, you will get a HubSpot notification through a task and/or an email. The task will include the contact's information, and will also be linked to the contact record for easy reference. If the lead was processed through a form, you will also get an email detailing how they responded to the questions we asked in addition to the task.

All MQL's need to be actioned within one (1) business day. 

Please note: Not getting notifications? Update your notification preferences within HubSpot. There are loads more notifications you can receive too - check it out!


Actioning an MQL

Regardless on how a contact has become an MQL, the owner of the contact must follow-up with the MQL to determine if they are a qualified seller lead. 

Each person will have their own style of communication, but it is recommended to follow the strategy below to ensure adequate pursuit.

  1. Call the MQL
    1. Use the playbook (if created) for script, questions and notes
    2. Leave a voicemail if no answer
    3. Log the call in HubSpot, with appropriate outcome
  2. Email the MQL
    1. After the call, follow up via email with either a recap of what you discussed with the lead
    2. If unable to connect on the phone, enroll them in an engagement sequence of your own design so they know you called, and include additional information and steps to ensure they contact you 
  3. Create a task
    1. If connected, create a task with next steps and a due date
    2. If not connected, create a task for 2 business days later to try calling again (this can be incorporated into your sequence)

If the lead proves to be a qualified prospective seller, update the property Contact Status from MQL to SQL.

If the lead is not a qualified prospective seller, update the property Contact Status from MQL to one of the following, depending on reason why they are unqualified:

  1. Closed - we qualified/scoped it out, but there is no immediate opportunity here
  2. Do Not Call – the client has expressed they do not want to be contacted

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