Campaigns: Performance & Assets

Written by Megan B | Nov 22, 2021 6:55:32 PM

When seller marketing campaigns are assembled - whether internally by the marketing team or through our agency - the campaign gets a tag. This allows us to see how all components perform together across landing pages, emails, social media, and any other channel being used. Furthermore, this tag is appended to all CRM records in order for us to determine if the campaign was successful and we reached our main objective(s). 

To navigate to the campaign page in HubSpot, click on Marketing in the main navigation and select Campaigns. In the search bar on the left is where you'll type in the unique campaign tag provided by Marketing for your specific campaign. 

The main page of the campaign will default to first show the performance of the campaign. Using the tabs, shown below, will alternate between this performance overview, the assets of the campaign, and tasks. Each section is detailed below with more insights.


Campaign Performance

HubSpot will provide an aggregate set of metrics for this campaign from sessions to new and influenced contacts, to closed deals and attributed revenue. Please note that the deals and revenue metrics HubSpot displays here are not accurate. Between our agency and in-house marketing team, we are working on building out a custom dashboard for campaigns to articulate these metrics based on our unique processes. 

Scrolling down this page you'll see some of the channels this campaign is hitting. Paid search ads are not synced in this view at this time, but landing pages, emails and social media are reflected on this tab. 

  • Calls-to-action are buttons used in our emails and landing pages to best track clicks for marketing automation.
  • The email section showcases every email used in the campaign alongside the total sent, unique opens/clicks. The titles of the emails should reflect their cadence of sends, or their purpose if not part of the drip campaign, but part of the automation flows.
  • Associated landing pages will be detailed alongside the total views and count of form submission if a form is on the page. Again, the title of the landing page will indicate its purpose - from main page to thank you page, etc. 
  • Most campaigns will also include social media posts, which are also detailed in this section, alongside clicks from each platform. 
  • The workflow section is for the marketing team/agency to automate actions within the campaign. So when a new lead comes in, we can route the new lead to the proper person, send them an automated email on behalf of the owner to schedule a meeting, etc. 
  • The last section is the most interesting as this outlines the traffic the campaign is generating by channel. Clicking on the source name will open up further details. For example, clicking on email marketing will expose each email sent in this campaign that drove traffic to our sites.


Campaign Assets

The second tab will expose the campaign components of most value - the messaging our leads are shown at every step of the campaign and its current status: Complete or Scheduled. 

Interested in seeing what each email contained? Just click on the email preview and a new tab will open showing the email. This is fully clickable, so explore as if you were the lead receiving the email! The same applies for the landing page and all social media posts. 

Email status will show if the email(s) have been sent or scheduled, as with the social posts. If everything is marked as sent/published, then the campaign has wrapped. 


Campaign Tasks

If tasks are assigned to the record owner as part of this campaign, they will be shown here. Tasks are used as a virtual to-do list and may require an action from the owner to call a contact, send them a personalized email, or to simply review the lead for qualification purposes. These tasks will always have a detailed description to ensure the recipient is aware of the next steps.