Merging Records

Written by Megan B | Sep 29, 2020 5:01:47 PM

Whether it's a contact, company or deal record i's a frequent situation: finding 2 records that should be one. Merging the records together is always preferred, over deletion, to ensure no lost data. 

NOTE: Once two records have merged, you cannot unmerge.

Before you merge...

  • The record you originally clicked Merge in will remain as the primary record. The record you selected during the merge process will merge into that primary record
  • The most recent values from either record will be the present values on the remaining record
  • The history of property values from both records will be in the property history of the resulting, final record
  • You will see a combination of timeline activity from both the primary and secondary records on the resulting, final record
  • A merge event will be added to the timeline in the resulting, final record. Click the Filter activity dropdown menu in a record and select the Merges checkbox to check if the record that has been merged before
  • The associated records of the primary record will be maintained
  • All deals or tickets associated with the records will be associated with the new primary record after the merge. Deals or tickets will remain associated with the original company with which they were associated. For example:
    • The primary contact is associated with Company A and Deal A.
    • The secondary contact is associated with Company B and Deal B.
    • After the merge, the merged contact record will retain the association with Company A and will be associated with both Deal A and Deal B. Company A will retain the association with Deal A and Company B will retain the association with Deal B.

Merge two records

The below process outlines for contact records, but the same process can be done on Company, Deal and Ticket records as well

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Contacts
  • Click the contact name that will be kept as your primary contact
  • Click the Actions dropdown menu and select Merge
  • In the dialog box, click the dropdown menu and search for the contact to merge into the primary contact. Once you've selected your secondary contact, click Merge. The email address of the secondary contact will be added to the resulting contact as a second email address

  • You'll be notified that the merge is in progress. It can take up to 30 minutes for all of the contacts' activities to sync

What happens to properties?

In general, the most recent value for each property is adopted by the primary contact. However, there are some exceptions to this rule:

  • Email: the email address of the primary contact is maintained
    • The resulting contact's Email property history will only show Merge contacts as a change source for the email value when the secondary contact has a more recent email value than the primary contact
    • If the primary contact has a more recent email value, the resulting contact's Email property history will show the original change source, and not Merge contacts
  • Domain: the web address of the primary company is maintained
  • Create Date: the value for the oldest contact is maintained