Your Guide to HubSpot's CRM

Whether you're new to our team, or need help maximizing the platform, here you will find all the information you need to succeed.

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Calling 101
By Megan B On October 3, 2022

Calling 101

As a user with an assigned Sales Hub paid seat, you can make calls directly to your contacts from the contact record using your...

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Tags: setup, customizations, contact,

Microsoft Teams | Meeting Links & Notifications

Want to add a Teams meeting link to all scheduled meetings via the HubSpot meeting tool? Well, now you can! A recent enhancement...

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Tags: Insider, setup, outlook,

Single Company Records: Process & Guidelines

After countless hours (ok months) the teams have been working to improve the integrity of our HubSpot CRM, by removing the...

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Tags: basics, organizing, clean-up,

Modifying your Notification Preferences

Not getting important notifications? Getting too many? Not sure if you're getting the right ones? HubSpot can automatically...

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Tags: Insider, setup, basics,

Using Documents in Emails & Sequences

HubSpot's Documents feature allows you to embed attachments directly within the email content. You can build a personal library...

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Tags: customizations, tracking, create,

Snippets Made Easy
By Megan B On May 3, 2021

Snippets Made Easy

Snippets are a HubSpot tool, allowing users to automatically paste in a section of copy used frequently. Think of it as a...

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Tags: email, create, basics,

Add Meeting Link to Outlook Signature

The HubSpot meeting link is a great tool - not to mention it's super convenient when your leads and/or clients want to book time...

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Tags: setup, outlook, customizations,

How to Use Liquidity Services' New Brand Positioning and Messaging


This blog post serves as an explanation of the brand messaging and positioning drafted by SmartAcre for both the retail...

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Tags: basics, messaging

Pre-Made Lifecycle Sequence Filters

Sequencing is a very valuable tool, giving the ability to mass email your contacts at various stages of their lead lifecycle, or...

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Tags: customizations, email, contact,

Creating & Using Snippets
By Megan B On February 23, 2021

Creating & Using Snippets

Snippets are short, reusable text blocks that can be used on contact, company, deal and ticket records; in email templates and...

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Tags: customizations, email, contact,

Company Record Cleaning Purge 2021

Over the past several months, the data integrity within our HubSpot CRM has been compromised with the over abundance of duplicate...

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Tags: basics, organizing, clean-up,

Parent-Child Company Relationships

When a company is connected to another companies, it is important to link the companies together. This helps to keep the CRM...

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Tags: setup, create, basics,

Contact Record Status & Milestones

This is the NEW process, the whole company will be adopting in early 2021. Please feel free to review in advance to prepare for...

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Tags: setup, basics, organizing,

Actioning an MQL
By Megan B On December 23, 2020

Actioning an MQL

An MQL has been established, and since you're the owner of the MQL contact you need to act. So what does that entail? Below is an...

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Tags: contact, basics, View All

Creating a HubSpot email signature

When sending emails out of HubSpot, either through the contact records, sequencing, or when marketing conducts mass emails on...

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Tags: setup, outlook, customizations,

Create and share meetings links
By Megan B On December 7, 2020

Create and share meetings links

Once you have connected your calendar and customized your meetings tool preferences, you can create meetings links to share with...

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Tags: setup, outlook, customizations,

Merging Records
By Megan B On September 29, 2020

Merging Records

Whether it's a contact, company or deal record i's a frequent situation: finding 2 records that should be one. Merging the...

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Tags: customizations, basics, organizing,

Using The Deal Calculator
By Megan B On September 29, 2020

Using The Deal Calculator

When creating a deal, it's important to get the estimated GMV and gross profit included in order to showcase the strength of your...

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Tags: basics, deal, GMV,

Creating an Email Template
By Megan B On September 28, 2020

Creating an Email Template

With templates, you can save repetitive email content as an email template. Before sending a template, you can personalize and...

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Tags: customizations, email, create,

Adding a Contact Record
By Megan B On September 25, 2020

Adding a Contact Record

Anyone who interacts with your business can be saved as a contact in HubSpot. Examples of contacts include visitors that convert...

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Tags: contact, create, basics,