Using The Deal Calculator

Written by Megan B | Sep 29, 2020 4:42:29 PM

When creating a deal, it's important to get the estimated GMV and gross profit included in order to showcase the strength of your pipeline activity. To make this easy, we have created a custom calculator within the deal record to help ensure accuracy, every time. 

To use the calculator:

  • Open the deal record
  • Scroll down on the left side to the section titled Financials

  • Enter in the appropriate information
    • Amount - what you think the deal will produce; the gross amount sold
    • Currency - will default to US dollars, but if this is based in another currency, please indicate so we can convert the final GMV and Gross Profit to the company currency of US Dollars
    • Buyer's Premium - enter in the buyer's premium percentage of the deal, if applicable. It's important to use decimals with leading zeros, so 18% should be entered in as 0.18
    • Seller's Commission - enter in the commission percentage for the seller, if applicable. It's important to use decimals with leading zeros, so 15% should be entered in as 0.15
    • Our Partner's Share - if we are working with a partner on the deal, please indicate their share. It's important to use decimals with leading zeros, so 5% should be entered in as 0.05
    • Other Fees - please indicate if there are any other fees that should be taken into account on this deal. This should be a whole number (i.e. 4,000)
    • Asset Recovery Service Fees (Retail Only) - enter in the service fees associated with the deal
    • Refurbishment Services Fees (Retail Only) - enter in the service fees associated with the deal
    • Returns Management Fees (Retail Only) - enter in the service fees associated with the deal
  • Once all information is added, save

It may take up to 5 minutes to update both the GMV and Gross Profit of the deal, and will require a page refresh in order to see it reflected in the Financials section. Updating any of the calculator properties above will automatically update the GMV and Gross Profit.

It is possible to override the GMV and Gross Profit properties of the deal manually, should you chose not to use the calculator. However, be prepared to explain your calculation should there be questions.